How can I use my home to pay off my child support arrears? Child Support Services

The percentage deducted varies from state to state, so it’s worth checking into how much of your monthly child support obligation can be covered though unemployment. It certainly can be a helpful way to manage your money troubles while still providing some funds for the care of your child. In any event, you need to show a good-faith effort to both your co-parent and a judge to pay as much for the care of your child as you can, even if it’s less than the ordered amount. It can prevent larger legal trouble, and it can limit the amount you fall in arrears (and still be responsible for paying).

In any event, it’s important to let the court know about any negative changes in your financial circumstances as soon as you realize you might have trouble making payments. Without that reach-out, the court is likely to assume you are refusing to pay child support. Child support arrears can affect your loan application, but not always in a negative way.

Child Support Income, Alimony, and FHA Loans

Since it is quasi-criminal, the person filing for contempt must adhere to very strict procedures. Each monthly failure to pay child support can be considered a separate count of contempt. Each count can be separately punished by fine, community service, or jail time. Contempt charges for failure to pay child support must be brought within three years from the date the support was due. Interest automatically accrues at the legal rate of 10% per year for all unpaid amounts of child support. If unpaid for an extended period of time, the accumulated amount of interest can result in significantly increasing the child support arrears and create a situation where a parent is unable to pay off the arrears.

getting a mortgage with child support arrears

The good news is that there are programs to help pay child support and get yourself back on track. There’s one thing you can do that will surely not help, however, and that is to do nothing. But don’t expect your childcare payments to increase the amount of your unemployment benefits. Child support payments are expenses, while unemployment benefits are determined by what your previous income was.


If Parent A and Parent B have equal incomes, but Parent A has a 10% timeshare, Parent B can expect Parent A to pay child support. Conversely, if Parent A and Parent B have an equal timeshare, but Parent A greatly out earns Parent B, there will be child support. Child support in California can be incredibly confusing and feel completely arbitrary. For people receiving support, often times it’s nowhere near enough to feed, clothe, and shelter your child.

This shows the lender who you paid; the amount paid; and the date you paid it. It is up to the lender to decide what to do about the remaining balance on your back child support. At first glance, it might not seem like alimony payments and mortgage qualification have anything to do with one another. However, you can actually use alimony payments as an income stream when applying for a mortgage to help you secure a home loan.

Mortgage Calculator

This central payment processing center is devoted solely to the receipt and disbursement of child support payments. Upon receipt of a child support payment, the SDU will record the date and the amount of the payment and, if appropriate, forward the money to the other parent in a matter of days. Contempt is a quasi-criminal proceeding that is a powerful, though less commonly used enforcement remedy.

What happens if you can’t afford child support UK?

If payments are reduced or stopped (unless agreed between you), you will be in breach of the court order. If you genuinely can't meet payments because your income has fallen, you can ask the court to reduce the amount of child maintenance you need to pay.

In order to determine if they will be able to afford a mortgage payment while paying off their child support arrearage and any current debts they may have, they should use a home affordability calculator. If you’re responsible for paying child support each month, it can feel like you’re paying too much. If you’re the custodial parent, that monthly income may not seem like enough to cover the expenses incurred. Knowing if you can count child support as income can help clarify the situation when it is time to file taxes or apply for loans.

South Carolina Family Law Blog

It does take time and patience, just like dealing with any other debt, but it can be done. Another 400,000 are in jail and have child support cases ahead of them, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The Office of Child Support Enforcement website lists the agency in each state that has debt compromise policies available. Contact your local United Way or other charity groups or search online for pro-bono legal services.

  • A lien is a notice that tells the world that there are claims against you for money.
  • The result for California was to create a centralized location called the California State Disbursement Unit (SDU).
  • At times, a parent will use a relative for childcare and falsely claim these expenses.
  • In the year April 2013 to March 2014, 12,410 liability orders were granted while more than £1bn is currently owed in unpaid child maintenance.

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